Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 who would have though that I'd make it this far? Not me that's for sure, so much has changed for me some good and some bad ones. But I don't regret any of it nor would I trade it for the world. If it's one thing I've learned from 2008 it's that people can be very deceitful and the only thing you really have is yourself. Some things I can honestly say I would have done differently some things, but hey, we learn from trial and error. Mostly errors though. I've been shaped into a totally different person but I like the way I am. Oh yeah one of the most valuable things I learned too was; how to truly appreciate what I do and I don't have. As for 2009 I'm ready to further myself into what I will become and the power to resolute what I want.
1. Quit smoking
2. Get the girl I'm crazy about
3. Lose weight
4. Finish school
5. Move into my own place
6. Get a car
7. Be who I really am
8. Weed out the "scum"
9. Live my life
Here I come 2009 so be ready for me because this is MY TIME.

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